Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Obesity and Overweight

Conventional therapies based on prescription medications or weight-loss surgeries (bariatric surgeries) are limited by low effectiveness and unpleasant and sometimes even very dangerous side effects. 


 Fortunately, there is an excellent, safe, and very effective solution to the problem of overweight and even the worst type of obesity.


In a 1991 study conducted by Prof. Shintani and his colleges, overweight participants were allowed to consume as much as they wanted of unrefined (high in fibre) low-fat, plant-based foods. 

overweight participants

Keep in mind that any refined diet which is low in vitamins and minerals always quickly stimulates our appetite again forcing us to eat between meals in hope that next time we will nourish it with sufficient amount of nutrients. 


lose weight
In case you are very overweight and especially if you suffer from different heart conditions you shouldn’t start with energetic exercise routine. 

HealthAid House, Marlborough Hill,

Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 1UX

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Email: sales@healthaid.co.uk